5 Effective Tips For Upgrading The Domain Authority Of Website

Like a Page rank, domain authority plays a prominent role in territory of SEO. Domain authority through which you can easily guess how a particular website has authentication in eye of google search Engine. Old website has higher domain authority while the newer one has lower domain authority.

Mainly, Domain authority of website has determined with the aid of three factors: Domain Age, No of Backlink and size of website. It have achieved with dozens of seo factor. Each Internal page of website comprises the valuable content and higher number of webpage. Doing this, the size of website automatically enhanced.

As the page Rank of web site measured from 0 to 10, the domain authority is measured upto 100 logarithmic scales. It is hard to achieve the domain authority upto 100 for newly built website. We can achieve the domain authority of new site which goes to 20 to 30 logarithmic scales.

Now One point sneaks in our brain that how to calculate the domain authority of website. Several seo tools and marketing tools are available in web markets. Open site Explorer, small seo tools, Moz Bar and other tools calculate the domain authority of Website.

Many web master and seo geeks are using the term domain authority. It directly grabs the strong traffic and high rank.  Higher Domain authority means more visibility in the search engine.

Now, we are aware about what is domain Authority and how it can be measured? It is right time how to zoom out the domain authority of website.

You have a pretty link profile to get rid of bad link and involvement of good link. For this we must have a better understanding of which is bad or good link according to the seo myth.

Bad links are those whose categories are irrelevant to the theme. It may be too much contextual link. Such link should be considered as bad link.

Good link has been achieving well content marketing for couple of months. Dramatically, good content enhances the content marketing at large quotient of amount.

Site structure must be friendly for the user and crawler: On page factors play an important role in ranking of seo and upgrade the domain authorities.   Practically it is tedious to achieve the user based structure. The structure must be table less coding means div tag based coding should be included in each page of the site.

We not only include the sitemap.xml but also include the sitemap.html to make it user friendly. In site level optimization make the site processing fast using the image compressor and external css (cascading style sheet) to make the site weight light.

Besides, this some on-page factor bears in your mind. Use different keyword on different page. In other word, we can say that no internal and index page have same title and description.

Informative Content:

Every authoritative sites must have quality content. It does not mean high piece of content that is unsuitable to the search. Now, Seo assumes the principle of high quality rather than quantitative content. Such content can be find research and best fit in you result. Content should be curative, evergreen and have an exceptional detail on topic.

Social Media Presence:

 Social media is the best platform to enhance the brand and website exposure. Here, you are connected to bunch of business people. If your brand is their business need, they certainly connected to you.

You have to build site on the social media site.

Use responsive design to create the credibility. Responsive design easily makes a good effect on the audience.


Customer can easily connect your site to your brand. Hence, the number of visitor must be increased on your site. You should organize the advertisement on the social media site for your brand.


It is advisable in your industry to keep the good mutual relationship. If the people have a good relationship to you, they link to those sites that don’t have. Good link Implies good authority. Share the content via guest post.

Apply the tips mentioned above will enhance the visibility of website, thus increase the domain authority in a substantial amount. Be patience, domain authority will not get promptly. As a seo geek, I give a full assurance that you will get high percentile of result (Domain authority) by using these activities.

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