Chapter 8- Promoting Your Site To Increase Traffic

The main objective of SEO is to make the website visible to the various search engines. In search pages it leads to higher ranking results where more traffic is driven to your website.  With the goal of promotion is to drive more visitors to your website. The best method to promote your website is through SEO only, but there are some alternate online and offline promotional methods which accomplishes the goal of getting more traffic to your website. You need to understand the fact that search engines are the only way to increase traffic to your website, as it happens to be an easy choice and you can do it in an easy manner.

  1. Submitting The Search Engine To Various Search Directories, Forums And Other Special Sites Once the process of optimizing your website is over, then you come to the stage of locating the search engines. With a search engine you do not have to go looking for them, as they will come to find you. It cannot be ascertained when they will visit you or when you will be included, but there is no special formula where you can get in touch with them.Apart from the search engines, you would like your website to appear in the search directories as well. They are in contrast to how a search engine operates. Humans maintain it and it is viewed for relevancy. It is observed that when you paste your link in special website it can go on to do wonders in terms of traffic. It is a time consuming affair, but the results are rewarding.
  2. Search Engines That Are Specialized
    Yahoo, Google are not only the search engines in the world, as they are several well specialized ones that help you to reach your target audience.  You would be surprised to find out that there are specialized search engines catering to a particular segment like educational, law etc. They tend to have sections, where you can go on to post links of external line of interest. Once you have found out the search engines, then you need to go to the site and submit the URL.
  3. Paid Ads and Submission
    There has been some alternatives that are mentioned to search engines, like search directories, forums, but if the feeling in you is that you want your website to be noticed then opt for paid ads and commission. Yes indeed they are one of the sure shot methods to appear in search listings and most of the search engine often tend to accept payment where the URLs tend to appear in the Paid section and you need to take note of the fact that the users do not trust paid links as they normally do with the casual ones. It may sound such a situation where you are bribing the search engine to get to somewhere where you cannot do it on your own. So evaluate the positive and negatives before you are planning to get listed.