Chapter 2 – Are Keywords The Most Important Item In SEO?

For SEO element, keywords are important and this is what a search engine does. For a successful campaign, you need to choose the correct keywords to search  and if you fail here, the road ahead is bound to be a waste of time and money. You can do a careful analysis of what are the keywords that need to be optimized after having a detailed evaluation of what are the demands of the online population. What are they searching for and which keywords describes your website best.

Choosing the Correct Set of Keywords to Optimize
Let us illustrate this by an example “ If you have a website about dogs, do not go and search  the keyword dog or dogs. Instead, optimize “ home foods for dogs” or “dog breeds”. You need to focus on keywords where the content of your website is highlighted. You can take the help of the website keyword suggestion tool as well. When you choose the keywords do consider the relevancy angle of them to your website.

Keyword Density
After the first stage, the next step is to have a good keyword density and make it rich for the users. The density of the keyword is no longer a major step in SEO, but it goes on to indicate how relevant a page is. The general idea is higher the keyword density, the more relevant it tends to become to a search string. Though there are no pre- set rules, but incorporating  a keyword 5 times is the standard norm.

In the Special Place Keywords to be Inserted
Keywords are not important from their numbers , but quality as well. If the keywords are displayed on the title, heading of the page, it counts much more than keywords at the bottom of the page. The main reason for it is that the domain name , the headings for each and every section is more important than the text on your page. Considering all things equal you may have the same keyword density as your competitors may have , but if you have keywords in your URL it is bound to improve your rankings considerably.

Keywords in URL and File Names
The whole URL and the domain name reveal a lot about the website in general. The assumption is that if you have a website about dogs, then the domain name will be about the dog. When you hunt for keyword rich domain names do not be selfish. When you consider the point of view of an SEO expert it is suggested that you need to have 5 keywords in the URL.

Keywords in the Page Titles and the Headings
This is indeed an important aspect as the contents of the title tag are incorporated in the various search engines. It is unlike the case with URLs as with page titles you can go on to get a bit  rich in words . Headings are seen to separate the paragraphs and it is pointless to have a heading for a paragraph.

SEO Tutorial – Chapter 3