Shortcoming Of Blog And How Can We Remove It?

Any technical stuff needs the proper guidance of work in significant way. In the web World, bulk work is not considered so well. However, I have not meant to say that a small work is fair. Blog are also not untouched by these philosophy. Never Low traffic hurt the blog but high traffic makes too loss on the blog. Newbie’s make a general mistake on a higher rate. Certainly, these blog traffics are not easily convert you’re visitor into buyer. However, Blogging is the best cause to zoom out the company’s value and brand synopsis. A well mannered blog will help to attract a lot of new client and generate the superb quality leads rather than quantity.  So it is right place that what are the possible mistakes in blogging?

Insufficient Images: As a Blog keeps similarity with website, look and feel of the blog ought to keep in the mind. You know very well that Image Says more than words. So, it is mandatory each blog post use at least two and three Images. All images should not be blind to the search engine. To make your Image readable to the google, use alt and title attribute in the Image Tag. Never forget the width and height parameter to The Image.

The Image should be less weight and suggestible parameter is PNG Format rather than other format of Image. This format is Transparent to all the Background Image. Do not use the irrelevant Image to your blog Post. The Image has not Duplicate Issue. To avoid this Issue, convert the applicable image into watermark form with the brand name of the concerned Company.

No link for Next Post: When you are posting the new post in fixed interval of time,give the best chance to view the older post. This can be done through pagination.

If the visitor has read the first page information and also gets information, moving on the next page bounds to happen. In this way, bounce rate automatically decrease. The average time on a particular page has increases that might turn new customer to the loyal customer.

Less Involvement on the social Media Platform:  Social Media Platforms are mostly used via internet savvy. A lot of Competitor makes their identity on this sort of platform. Here, you will contact numerous users in an effective and efficient way.

Same group of people are interested contact. Here you can share informational publically. On the other hand, you have to involve making different Category like group, page and event creation. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and pintrest are top-notch social media Platform. Groups can be created with the help of # hash Tag in all kind of social Media Platform.

Don’t Escape the Blog Commenting: Ever you think why you write blog or Article. The main motto of write to a blog increases the frequency of audience in blog.  Article has written for the purpose of get the caching. Whole stick on one thing to Increase the popularity.

When individual person read your blog, get the good or good experience in his/her interest.  Tell why we ignore it. Good and Bad Comment force to improve your content according to the expectation of the customer. This activity creates a backlink of appealing website and Blog.

Unimpressive Title: Title should be written in wet cement impression effect.  The headline expression must be short and give the gist of whole content. In this way, users do not easily ignore it.

I have a full faith that all these tips make a fine tune among the people and potential customers to engage in the web world.

Let’s try now to gain the full satisfaction for a good blog.

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