How To Reduce The Bounce Rate Of Your Web Page?

Many Business Men are using the blogs. It has a similarity with web site. It is like a personal diary. Here we can share information publically on World Wide Web instead of off-screen material like book, notebook and any other paper material stuff. In this, we have to put information on a peculiar subject in which you have a good grasping power of concerned arena. Your Information has been shared to the active user who spent a lion’s share time on the Internet. A million of Internet Savvy expresses different view on the Topic. Some of them express Positive Review while others leave the negative review.

If some user finds the desired solution of his/her query, frequency of staying on the web page of blog gets more. The chances of stay on the blog have less in case of finding irrelevant content to their search.
If you are pondering about a major segment of people must read, follow the some tips.

Create Catchy Title: Heading makes the good Impression within the group of Reader. Try to write a title that is easy to read and memorize. It should have a magnetic Effect so that never temporarily existence of blog in the periphery of web world. Another things keeps in the mind is its uniqueness.

Include the Author Picture: Addition of picture of author on your blog and web site will increase the authentication in eye of your first time as well as loyal visitor. But this picture must be Genuine. Definitely this activity will lower the bounce rate.

Video Must be Inserted: Many visitors have dearth of time so they do not read the textual matter. Hence, they navigate the page. Make a stay on specific page, insertion of video make an inclination to stay on the page. Video explains the searched topic in intelligent manner. If video is awesome, people will spend more time.

Implement Interlink: While publishing we can also inter link our related content like if we found any word in content like “How to set up a blog” I would like link my post. For instance click on the link. Search Engine Google loves such structure called SILOS. It also makes a positive impact on SEO Ranking.

Loading Time: The loading time of website must be less. Good Loading time means light coding of blog and less weight images should be used in the blog. These two things surely lessen the processing time of a blog. There is less opportunity to escape the blog page. In this way, the Bounce rate automatically slows.

Apply the Most Popular Article in Each Post: You get a substantial inch down in bounce rate in case you do all the possible effort. One effort remains is that on the bottom of each post include the most viewable article. This tactic is useful when users have consumed entire content.

Formatting Pattern Should Pull the Attention of Visitors: The background and font color should be managed in such a way that makes positive visionary effect in the eye of user. Never use those colors that distract the user from visiting website. Use those font-families that suit your page.

  • Never use that paragraph which is more than five lines.
  • Give a sufficient space between the two paragraphs of blog. In word of designing, we can say that line-space should be more than 120%.

If you are not getting the right pathway for lowering the bounce rate, apply these tips on your blog. I make a sure assurance that follow all the point must reduce the bounce rate and staying on the webpage increases.

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