Logical Working Of Search Engine

The World Wide Web has mushroomed with countless website. Any business owner has make to  built their website for the identification of their brand in amazing niche. But, I think standing of website in the gallery of World Wide Web is not enough. We need some extra effort to gain the popularity of your website. We need some query to fetch the favorable records from the database of World Wide Web. When some user types any query in search box of search engine, set of relevant records are achieved on the top of the concerned search engine.

No matter, which kind of search engine you are using? Each search engine follow the set of protocol: some of them are homogenous while other may be heterogeneous.  Google, yahoo and Bing are widely used search engine with internet lover. But, all search engines consider the phenomena of caching and Indexing. All of them select the slice of information according to the input word entered by the web user.  They keep the track record of indexed word and its location. Thereafter, they give the privilege to see word and combination of word at that Index.

When any website is new to search engine, it must be kept in the sandbox. The place is valid till the Google do not give the authentication to website. After a fixed interval of time website has controlled through the robots i.e. web spider (Crawler).  In the first step, it will do the crawling of website. In Crawling, it takes the snapshot of website.  In other language, we can say it scan the webpage. Here it read the page one by one and arrange them according to the page content and other factor. Few web pages are derived from the cached pages and lead to indexed page. Only those page are indexed which considers the policy of search engines.

When search engine retrieve this page, they decipher the code and stored them in hard disk storage device like registers etc.

Google Crawler will read the web structure carefully. Google will go to the building block of web page mean its coding. The word within the page and position of word associated with which page.

The search word which labeled at title tag are read first by search engine. Meta tag makes no significance in functioning of web designing but plays a prominent role in search engine tactics. Google gives the priority in a sequence title tag, metatag description, heading ranging from h1 to h6, keyword proximity embellished in bold and strong tag.

Keyword proximity is neighboring location of the tag. But other search engine assumes some different policy. Hence, they give the different ranking order on different search engine.  Google indexes the every word excluding article mean “a”, “an” and “the”. But, other search engine like Altavista takes all the single word either they relate to article or not. Yahoo considers the importance of Meta Keyword while Google gives no weigh to meta keyword.

Now, Search engine commence the building of Index. The data will be encoded for saving the storage memory. The reserved binary data will consume the space of 16 bit binary space in form of 0 and 1 easily understood by web spiders. Different Storage factor gains a same weightage where the character is capital or small.

To get the information as soon as possible, indexing would be considered. Various strategies are applied for attaining indexing. But, Hash table are mostly taken into practice. In hashing, different key value is assigned to different character. But, it never means you can apply according the sequence of alphabets. Hashing takes the different value to low order of alphabet.

Before applying the any activity to gain the rank in search engine, we must understand the basic flow of search engines. First we see that our website lying in the database of www or not. If site are not lying in the database of website, keep the possible effort to index through the philosophy of search engine depicted on the above paragraph.

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