Google’s New ‘Fun Facts’ Feature – Is There Anything Google Doesn’t Answer To?

Google is undoubtedly, the most reliable search engine ever with the best possible answers to ever question you ask. Here I am to ask if there is something that Google doesn’t answer to. Well! With its newly incorporated ‘Fun Facts’ feature, Google can even answer to your searches like “fun facts”, “random facts” or even if you search for “I’m feeling curious”.

Google would answer such searches with an answer to a random question presented in a dynamic box. The random questions answered by Google in this dynamic box may vary from “what continent has the most deserts?” to anything like “why do we put candles on a birthday cake?” If you are among people who love going through amazing random facts then, Google new ‘Fun Facts’ feature is a good news for you!

For people who enjoy reading and getting to know random facts, Google’s new ‘Fun Facts’ feature could keep them fixed to their PCs or laptops for hours. It may act as a productivity killer, before you can even get to know. So be aware of what time you spend checking out the new feature by Google and browsing through all the random facts. Ensure that you don’t neglect work!

Every time you type and search for “fun facts” or “I’m feeling curious” on Google, Google will offer an answer to a random question. If you want Google to answer another random question, you just need to click on the “ask another question” button or you can search for “fun facts” again. The questions may be random but the answers to them are not. Google gives answers taking reference from university websites, government indexes, Wikipedia, and And on the top of that Google also provides a link to the source of information that has been presented as an answer in the dynamic box.

With the new ‘Fun facts’ feature, Google search engine has come up with a trick that is capable of keeping you glued to your PCs or laptops for hours. For those who enjoy factoids could keep on hitting the “Ask Another Question” button and keep inviting new facts for hours. Some of the random questions being answered by Google include –

  • Where was bourbon made?
  • Which president spoke English as a second language?
  • How many women have won the Nobel Prize?
  • Why are there 13 stripes on the U.S. flag?
  • Which way is the Statue of Liberty facing?

While Google provides verified data for the random questions with a bit of information to read, it also provides the source of the fact. Anyone who is interested in getting to know the subject more deeply could always visit the sourced link and read study about that particular fact in detail.

You will be amazed but there is more to come! Google doesn’t only answers to “I’m feeling curious” or to “fun facts”, it also answers to queries like “I’m feeling hungry” and “I’m feeling wonderful”. I told you that there is perhaps nothing that Google doesn’t have an answer for!

If you type in “I’m feeling hungry”, Google would present you a list of the recommended restaurants in your area. And your search for “I’m feeling wonderful” will be answer with a list of tourist attractions. So, the next time you feel like planning a trip, do ask your friend “Google” for suggestions.

Have fun with Google’s new ‘Fun facts’ feature and ask as many questions as you want. This feature will not only entertain you for hours but will also help in expanding your knowledge about a variety of fields. So, even after being a productivity killer or a time waster, Google’s new ‘Fun Facts’ feature is still worth your time and efforts.

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